Tampa Bay Regional Critical Incident Team, Inc.
P.O. Box 7945
Tampa, FL 33673
General Meeting Agenda
November 13, 2024
I. Called to order by President Ashley Orndorff at __________ p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by ____________________.
III. Welcoming Remarks and Introductions (A. Orndorff)
IV. Approval of September 11, 2024 minutes.
Motion to approve made by _____________ and seconded by _____________. Motion carried.
V. Treasurer’s Report (Jane Siling1)
Beginning balance as of September 30, 2024:
Ending balance as of October 31, 2024:
VI. AOC Report (Jane Siling)
VII. Old Business
- Peer and Clinical Reviews - (Jane Siling) Peer and or Clinical Reviews will be conducted at the November General Meeting. To be eligible, one must have registered on the TBRCIT website, completed the online application and have submitted copies of their certificates for the Assisting Individuals in Crisis and Group Crisis Intervention (or Combined class) to Jane Siling at jsiling@aol.com.
Those eligible for Peer Review are:
Those eligible for Clinical Review are:
VIII. New Business
- Committees - (Jane Siling) There are five Committees: Peer Review, Hospitality, Training, Nominating and Recognition. Sign-up sheets will be available at this meeting. The President will make the final selections prior to the December Board meeting.
- TBRCIT Contact Phone Number - (Jane Siling) The Team phone number (813.644.2488) is no longer available. If needed, please utilize Jane Siling's number (813.309.1002) until further advised. Remember to remove the old number from the educational handouts, etc.
IX. Announcements
- All 2024 General Meetings will be held at the HCSO Falkenburg Road Jail, Assembly Room located at 520 N. Falkenburg Rd., Tampa 33619 unless otherwise advised.
X. Business Meeting Adjourned: __________p.m.
Motion to adjourn made by _____________ and seconded by ______________. Motion carried.
XI. Training: